Semantic Grid Working Group Meeting Notes

Wednesday, June 9, 2004

10:00-11:30 am

GGF11, Honolulu, Hawaii

Update on Activities

Note: see slides for the main content. These are supplementary notes on discussions.

Presentation slides by De Roure to start. Review material of history and activities of the SG Working Group.

Review Activities and Comparison to the Charter

Charter is unusual because it must provide an example of what it intended to do.

  1. Track semantic web activities for the GGF

  2. Must provide a forum for exchanging ideas

  3. Create links with other GGF groups: not so good here, need more engagement.

  4. Operate a community portal (


  1. produce a primer: In progress.

  2. Establish a mini-workshop to create a roadmap document.

  3. Create a WG on Semantic Grid Services

  4. Run a mini-workhop on “Practice and Experience with Semantic Grid” GGF11 workshop, so filled.

  5. Review activity after 2 years (November 2004)

Relationship to Other GGF Groups

Weakness of the set milestones/charter. Main problem is lack of connection to OGSA WG.


Need requirements document D. Snelling: what are requirements? Steven: Need something to manage data definitions and ontologies. Is this a requirement for the semantic grid. D: Semantic Grid is to enable the Grid with semantics. Other side is what are the requirements that the grid has for the semantic technology? OGSA has a stack of use cases that should be reviewed by the SG group.


  1. Roadmap: OGSA Use cases have 70 pages of ideas so to examine these for requirements/applications is a good connection to the OGSA WG. This is the better way to do this than the roadmap.

  2. Semantic Grid services up in the air because grid services are still being defined.

  3. (Downloading the use cases to examine.)

  4. OGSA Use Cases are in the Public Review/Comment section of GGF.

  5. Volunteers to examine: Josh Moore, Steve Langalla,

  6. Examine/derive requirements from the OGSA Use Cases.

  7. Question to Dave: should we produce the requirements document outside of GridForge? No, we should do this with the GridForge tools.

  8. Small point: GridForge material not searchable by Google.

Do we want to do a roadmap or a requirements doc? Roadmap is premature right now, more useful to get the primer and requirements/usecases reviewed first. Roadmap.

We will review the charter on schedule. Probably we will change “roadmap” to “requirements from usecases”

Volunteers (looking at the OGSA Use Case :

  1. Carole: Ogsa-dai

  2. Mary Thompson: Fusion Grid, also interested in policy.

  3. Josh: #12 and #7 (portals and workflow)

  4. Marlon: portals

  5. Dave De Roure Grid Lite, Resource Reseller

  6. Steve  Langalla: OGSA Dai and Persistent Archive

  7. Hideki Yoshida: #2

Send this list to the semgrid mailing list. Make a public comment line in Grid Forge to the Annual Report.

Need to review the charter every two years for research groups.

Primer Overview

(see slides)

Wrap up: action items.

  1. Need more volunteers to look at use cases.

  2. Need to organize a usecase review for November.

  3. What will next charter look like? Need to review in November. What will we do for next two years?

  4. Tutorial for GGF12. Need to solicit desired topics and volunteers for presentation.

Tutorial should cover state of the art in semantic web services. What is reality? What is myth? What is hard but possible? What are the mine fields?

Arsi: need in two weeks a list of presenters, schedule, and abstract.